Anthroposcopy means judging body build and body type
by visual inspection as opposed to using measurement
devices as in anthropometry. Anthropometry is the study
of human body measurements, such as weight, height,
and size with precise measurement devices.
Anthroposcopy is considered a basic technique of
physical anthropology. Anthropology is the science of
the origin and development of the human body. Some
people have used anthroposcopy in non-scientific ways
to make determinations about a person’s personality,
intellect, and moral character. This is particularly the
case when relying on visual analysis of facial features. 
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Examples of areas of visual inspection that have been the focus of anthroposcopy
includes overall body weight and height, head length, skull height, brow ridge size,
forehead size, eyebrow size, occipital protrusion (protrusion of the back bottom area of
the head),  temple size, slope of the forehead, nose size, cheek bone size, jaw shape, lip
length and thickness, facial shape and length, and depth of eye setting. 

Anthroposcopy is used upon living and deceased individuals. It is a rarely used term that
comes from the Greek word "anthropo" meaning "human," and the Greek word "skopeo"
meaning "to view." Put the words together and you have "to view human."
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