Gynecology is the study of the health care of women,
including diseases and normal physical care of the
female reproductive system. Gynecology also involves
the study of female sexual functioning, as well as
functioning of the reproductive system and of the
secretions (substances released) from hormones in the
female body. Hormones are types of chemicals in the
body that affect other cells. Someone who practices
gynecology is known as a gynecologist.
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Since gynecology is almost always studied and practiced along with obstetrics (see
obstetrician), these two fields of study are commonly abbreviated as OB/GYN. Obstetrics
is the science that deals with the care of women and their fetuses (developing babies)
during pregnancy and childbirth, and during the events that come before and soon after
birth. Obstetrics also deals with the normal and abnormal functioning of the female
reproductive system. Gynecologic and gynecological mean pertaining to gynecology as
well as the study of the breasts and the diseases of the female reproductive system.

The counterpart of gynecology is andrology, which is the medical specialty dealing with
the male health, especially those of the male reproductive system and urinary problems
unique to men. Gynecology comes from the Greek word "gyne" meaning "woman," and
the Greek word "logos" meaning "the study of." Put the two words together and you have
"the study of woman."
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