The X chromosome is another name for the female
chromosome, which gets its name because it is shaped
like the letter “X.” Chromosomes are structures made of
protein that contain genes. Genes are units of material
contained in a person's cells that contain coded
instructions as for how certain bodily characteristics
(such as eye color) will develop. All of a person's genes
come from his/her parents. Compare the X
name for the male sex chromosome. The X
chromosome is much larger than the Y chromosome.
X chromosomes are considered types of gender chromosomes because they help
determine the gender of humans and most other animals. If someone has two X
chromosomes, the person will develop as a female.
If someone has an X and a Y chromosome, the person will develop as a male. In females,
one X chromosome is inherited from the mother and one from the father. In males, the X
chromosome is inherited from the mother and the Y chromosome is inherited from the
Chromosome comes from the Greek word “chroma” meaning “color” and the Greek word
“soma” meaning “body.” Put the words together and you get “color body.”